By Pastor Wilberforce Bezudde

“According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:” (Ephesians 1:4)

God “chose us” for salvation, before we existed. In His infinite love, He predetermined our position as children in His household, through His Son; Jesus Christ.

Salvation depends totally on God’s grace. We are not saved because we deserved it, but because God is gracious and freely gives salvation. Human beings did not influence God’s decision to save; He saved us according to His divine plan. Therefore, there is no way we can take credit for our salvation or to allow room for pride.

The mystery of salvation originated in the infinite love and timeless mind of God, long before we existed. It is hard to understand how God could accept sinners in His household. But because of Christ, we are made holy and blameless in His sight. God chose us, and when we belong to Him through Jesus Christ – God looks at us as if we had never sinned. All we can do is express our gratitude for His unconditional love and grace. Jesus is Lord!

Thanksgiving Prayer
Dear Father,
Thank You, for accepting me to be part of Your household, the way I am. Thank You, for making me holy and blameless, so I could fit in your sight. My mind cannot explain how You could accept a person like me, but all I can do is to come before You with a grateful heart. I will always be grateful!

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