By Pastor Wilberforce Bezudde

“Who now rejoice in my sufferings for you, and fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of the Christ in my flesh for his body’s sake, which is the church (Col1:24)

Apostle Paul served God in an atmosphere of suffering. Writing letters to the saints from prison, he was beaten and rejected. He said he rejoiced in his sufferings for the saints. As a servant of the Lord Jesus Christ, he was called upon to endure untold hardships, persecutions, and afflictions.

These to him were a privilege, the privilege of continuing that which was left behind of the afflictions of Christ. This doesn’t refer to the atoning sufferings of the Lord Jesus Christ on the cross. Those were finished once and for all, and no one can ever share in them. But there is a sense in which the Lord Jesus still suffers through us.

When Saul was struck to the ground on the road to Damascus, he heard a voice from heaven saying, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?” Saul did not consciously persecute Jesus, he was persecuting the Christians.

We learn that when we are persecuted, Christ is persecuted, when we go through hardships because of our faith and the values we stand for, it is our Saviour suffering. In other words we share in his suffering. Christ feels our pain in this earth. This suffering can be endured joyfully because it changes lives and brings people into God’s Kingdom.

They are people who are rejected by family members because of their faith. Some seem to have lost reputation because of their faith in Christ. Some have lost positions and jobs because of their faith and values. There are people who are denied employment and their rights as citizens because of their faith and Christian values. All these challenges are targeting the Christ in us. The good news is, Christ the Head in heaven and feels the sufferings of His Body on earth. Christ in a very real way suffers with us. Everything we go through will never be in vain. There is a great reward laid up for those who serve the master faithfully. Our life on earth is not purposeless. There is a high dignity attached to it.

Hallelujah! Jesus is Lord!

Today’s prayer:

Dear Lord Jesus,

Thank you for the finished work on the cross. You finished the work on the cross once and for all. By your grace I stand to follow you, to serve you, to believe you with all my life. I know you are with me on this earth. My life is not purposeless. I know there is a higher dignity attached to my earthly walk. My earthly life will bring many to the kingdom. I’m forever grateful for the finished work of the cross. Amen!

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