congregational meeting 26th of january
Congregational meeting – 26th january 19.15
The 26th of January we have a congregational meeting for all members. Please prioritize this meeting. Welcome!
When: 26th January
Time: 19.15
Where: Main hall
21 days of prayer and fasting
New Year’s eve celebration

New Year’s Eve celebrations
31st January
Citykyrkan Stockholm, Main hall
Adolf Fredriks kyrkogata 10
Christmas in Church
Christmas Gift 2022
ICCC conference
ICCC ConferenCE
On November 10th-13th, ICCC has a conference with the theme “The power of crossing over – Aligning with God’s purposes”. ICCC is a network for entrepreneurs who long for spreading God’s kingdom in and through their work. This time the conference is in City Church, which also means that you who are a member or active in City Church have the opportunity to attend the conference at a discounted price. You get the entire conference for SEK 1,000 instead of the original price of SEK 2,500.
ICCC has also decided to sponsor the first 100 people that are under 35 years old. This means a ticket for the Saturday is only SEK 250.
If you are interested, email us below and you will receive a promotion-code that you can use to register for the conference (registration for the conference here. There you can also listen to the invitation by Paul Orlenius and J. Gunnar Olsson, the founder of ICCC).
Invitation by J. Gunnar Olsson, founder ICCC
It is my joy and privilege to extend my personal invitation to you for this important ICCC International Con ference. Not only have we been waiting long to meet physically again. But this conference is of the utmost importance as we have entered a time, which represents a turning point in the history of man, and indeed, it is time to cross over! Yes, we are truly in seasons of change. And it will take a well informed, world-wise, globally minded, spirit ually sensitive, well-trained, and purpose-driven people of God to be effective instruments for the purposes of God in our time. The world is facing pestilence, wars, refugee crises, and severe price increases in gas, oil, electricity, and food, as well as, disruptive climate changes, and economic insecurity causing suffering in several parts of the world. But this is our time! It was for this time we were called. Therefore, I want to raise our expectations for a real spiritual breakthrough, where the glory of God is being manifest as never before. the prophet Habakkuk is describing this breakthrough point by saying: “Before Him went pestilence And ever followed at His feet Using other words one could say, the glory of the Lord appears in the midst of chaos. As I have suffered a period of severe trials, which have resulted in some physical handicap and increased frailty with regard to my health, this has sometimes caused me to think that I might not be able to partic ipate personally. But nevertheless, I have the greatest expectations on the Lord for the up-coming conference. I do not want to miss it! Nor should you! Let’s do our utmost to come to Stockholm.
J. Gunnar Olson
Membership class

Membership class
Are you interested to know more about CCI, our beliefs and values?
Most welcome to our new membership class on the 2nd of October at 16.30-18.00.
DAY: Sunday October 2nd
TIME: 16.30-18.00
LOCATION: Adolf Fredriks kyrkogata 10
Registration sunday survice
Tuesday Prayer

Every Tuesday at 6PM we gather for Tuesday prayer. We believe that prayer is an essential part of our everyday lives, but we also believe that there is something in doing it together as a church. Welcome to join us!