CHRISTmas gift 2022 

Every year we as a church collect a Christmas gift to our different missions. This year we will gather a christmas gift to the work in SOHA and Pakistan. You can participate in giving a better and more hopeful christmas through your gift.

This is what you can participate in…


SOHA is planning to hold a Christmas bazaar for the children. They will collect clothes, shoes and other things that the children need. They will be able to go to the bazaar, try on different things and choose what to take home. Except this SOHA wants to give the children food packages. SOHA wants to make sure that no kid will go home for christmas without food. When you participate in giving this christmas you contribute to giving the children a brighter more hopeful christmas.


In Pakistan Astma and her team longs to give the poor and expoIn Pakistan, Astma and her team are eager to help orphans, widows, the elderly, and families who are currently at high risk of poverty. When you join in and give, you contribute to several vulnerable people getting enough resources to feel content and experience joy this Christmas.

This is how you can give…



Indicate with “JULGÅVA”



Indicate with “JULGÅVA”

Thank you for your gift! It really does make a difference.

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